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Sunday, July 31, 2011's half FULL

The sun is shining and it's a gorgous day. I spent the morning at church. I barely heard the sermon, but not for the reasons you might think.

I just can't find the discouragement I'm supposed to feel right now.

Okay, truthfully, I have my moments. It usually follows the thought "What am I going to do when the severance runs out?" The answer: "Well, you'll get unemployment. It'll be fine. That's weeks away."

Then comes the thought: "What if I go six months and I can't find a job?" The answer: "I'll deal with that bridge when and if I cross it. I haven't even started yet. That day may never even come. Focus on today."

And then I'm out of discouraging thoughts. All morning during the sermon I kept thinking...what a gift I've been given! There are so many things I've wanted to do if only I'd had the time. I want to volunteer for a food bank. I want to feed the hungry. So guess what? This week I will apply to volunteer. Because, I mean, why not? (I can add it to my resume. It certainly won't hurt.) If nothing else, it will give me a reason to step away from the computer, put on shoes and focus on something other than a job search. It will also remind me just how blessed I am.

Cathy reminded me about the book I've always wanted to write. Do you have any idea how quickly it could be written if I just devote maybe two hours a day to it? I mean, why not?

I've wanted to try my hand at freelancing, and I have a Writer's Market to pore through. It's full of magazines that use freelancers. It tells me who to contact, what they're looking for and how much they pay per article. Maybe I'll see my byline in Better Homes and Gardens. Or Georgia magazine. Why not? Again, it is something to try while I have the time. It will be something positive to focus on. And it will keep my skills sharp.

I think the shock is gone. I just can't help but feel like the world is my oyster, and I am free to go in whatever direction I choose to. What I have to figure out now is...where do I WANT to go from here?

For the moment, I want to go spend the afternoon with some dear girlfriends. Ya'll have a good day! :)


  1. You're the sweetest and have a remarkable attitude...thanks for sharing your walk!

  2. You're such an inspiration! We've seen God work so wonderfully this summer in our family, can't wait to see the surprises He has in store for you!
