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Monday, April 23, 2012

Nevermind! I don't need to go shopping.

I'm actually almost caught up on laundry.

So...I know you're not supposed to air your dirty laundry in public, but I've had a basket of "hand wash onlys" and "dry clean onlys" and other "special care" labels that have been taking up residence in my laundry room for so long it was beginning to get its own junk mail.

I'd forgotten about that perfect "grown up" dress we bought for Catie to wear at Vince and Erin's wedding two years ago. It's hand wash only and...well...I did hand wash and she did wear it several times before it fell into the abyss. I hope it still fits her.

I also completely forget about last year's teal sleeveless blouse that I promise I did adore. I just didn't rescue it before it faded from memory. I'm quite happy to have it back.

I'm ashamed to admit, but I've had another one of these baskets occupying real estate in my bedroom, too. It was filled with fleece jackets and sweaters (so that's where that pretty pink YSL sweater went!). I'm kind of mad at myself. It's really not so hard to do this. It's almost like cleaning toilets. It doesn't take but a few minutes, so why is it so hard to just go ahead and do it? Why must I let it collect lint for six months, until I decide I'm finally sick to death of moving these ugly baskets out of my way?

I guess so I don't have to go shopping! :)

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