The kids are back in school. Some of my friends have settled their kids into college dorms. The scorching August temperatures have abated into the low 90s. According to the academic calendar, fall is here.
It's one time of the year my ex is closer to the surface. This year not so much as in years past, but still he's on my mind now.
It hit me the other day that it's coming up on five years since we split up. (For those of you who don't know, we haven't seen him in 4 1/2 years. He comes close to the surface of my memory in May, too...for that reason.)
Five whole years. That's hard to believe. Within those five years I have graduated college, established a career and took fabulous trips I would not have been able to take while I was married. Through the grace of God, the kids enjoy a stability they never knew before, and I had forgotten. I have re-established friendships and created new ones. I grew closer to my kids and my family. I have a house that I am not embarrassed by, and a car I don't have to apologize for. I found a church I love and am growing in. I like myself...for the first time ever.
I really don't have anything insightful to share today. There is no need for me to recount for you the details of "the day", though every detail is burned into my memory. Nor am I trying to pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished, because I really didn't accomplish much. God has blessed us. I've only tried to do what I thought was of the great freedoms of my "new" life.
I guess I'm just in a reflective mood this morning, and I needed to, in some way, put it writing.
Look how God has prospered us in five years. So, dear friends, if you see me struggling to keep my chin up now, please remind me he has brought us out of...and prospered us after...much tougher times than these.
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