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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Unemployment Chronicles, Pt. 2

I know...I know. You would think since I have all of this time on my hands, I could write more blog posts.

The kids are in school now. Perhaps that will help. And I don't feel as much in turmoil this week. Last week I found myself sobbing into my pillow at oddball times, laying around feeling lethargic, not wanting to be home, not wanting to go out.  I'm telling you it feels like the end of a relationship! It's a good thing I'm not a bon bon eater. I'd weigh 400 pounds by now. Although I am craving ice cream.

But now my eyes are dry, I finally got some sleep ( between finally falling asleep about midnight and hearing Christopher's alarm at 5:30 a.m. One perk to not having a job: going back to bed after the kids leave!), and I feel much better.

Over breakfast and coffee I filled out unemployment forms. I've been holding off. When I worked at Winn Dixie all those years ago, people occasionally came in and asked for applications. When told we weren't hiring, they replied that they didn't care, they just needed to put in applications and then asked the manager to sign their paperwork. I really, really don't want to have to ask anybody to sign off on a form stating that I've applied for a job. But after reading carefully over the website, it looks like all I have to do is keep a record of where I've applied or sent my resume. I was going to do that anyway, for my own records. So why not let that bring me a paycheck?

I also dusted off my resume. It's almost ready to go. I expect to spend part of this week just poking around the internet and seeing what I come up with. If I see something interesting, I'll be ready to apply. I plan to meet with a career counselor very soon to hopefully help me find some direction and focus my job search. I plan to set that up by the week's end.

But for now it's almost time for Christopher to come home. I'm anxious to hear how the first day of 11th grade went. And Catie's all excited that she gets to use a locker this year. But she won't be home for quite a while.

Today, I accomplished what I wanted to. And now that I've found an ounce or two of energy, I will be spending the rest of the day going about the business of being a mom!

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