Well, alright. So it's been a minute. Sorry for the disappearing act. I've been dealing with stuff and sometimes when you're dealing with stuff, it's the only thing you can think about. And I promise you didn't want to hear about it. And I don't do well hiding what's on my mind. So sometimes, the best thing for me to do is go away for a while.
I'll try to do better. ;)
Have you seen the weather today? I am so in love! I'm trying to hurry and get everything done so I can go for a walk before it gets dark. I got away from it for a while and I can tell it in so many ways. But it is way too pretty to be inside. I've got some cornbread in the oven, some chicken and noodles I made last week in the microwave, and I think I can do this!
The past couple of days I have had the migraine from hell. I normally only have to spend one day on the couch. This time it laid me out for two days. Yesterday I actually had to leave work. I have some meds that knock out the pain, but I was actually dizzy. I never get dizzy! (Shut up!)
The awesome thing about having a 17 year old is that when I have a migraine I can hand him $5 and say "Go get pizza for dinner." And he can! Then yesterday, he and his girlfriend heated up some leftovers I had in the freezer and did an awesome job of cleaning my kitchen. Awesome, awesome, awesome. That's all I can say. :)
I have my windows open. Oh. My. Gosh. How I love this! Okay....this is gonna sound ghetto but, I'm broke. My back screen door is in sad, sad shape. I cleaned it up because I love light and air, and I suffered through the summer keeping the back door closed. But I will NOT be able to live through the fall, too, with the back door closed. However, my screen is coming off at the edges. I have been meaning to tell the landlord about it so she can fix it, but they've been busy fixing other, more important stuff around the house.....like the air conditioner....that I hate to ask them to fix the screen too! So the thing is knobless, and it gaps, and the bugs are getting in. *sigh* I promise I will tell her about it. I promise! In the meantime, anybody got any duct tape??
Also, I have decided to start couponing. Three weeks ago. I researched how to organize it. Got a package of the baseball card holder thingys to put the coupons in. Found out I'll need two. Found extra coupons. They've been multiplying on my kitchen table. Two weeks ago (I think it was) I borrowed a binder from Cathy. Over the weekend I started clipping and organized them. I got through two coupon inserts. I have about a gazillion to go. I will try to work on it again some more tonight. I'm sure I'll have it done in time for the next batch of coupons. I wonder how many in my stack have expired? Anyway. Hopefully I'll get them all clipped and organized before the ones that came in the mail today expire. Next step? Find extra money to get started on that awesome stockpile. Hmmm....That could take another minute.
Ding! Time to eat and then walk. Later!
P.S. Here is my public service announcement for today. Jiffy cornbread expires. It loses a lot of its oomph after seven months. My son now believes he's poisoned. Please check your expiration dates. You will thank me later. :)
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