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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My daughter...

...has decorated work notebook (yes, the one I used to interview a former mayoral candidate)

(She wrote my name on the outside

and silly song lyrics on the inside....)

...and a sweet little surprise note for my desk...

...and my dinner.... (sadly, I had to smear him. I can only handle so much mustard in one bite.)

...and her bedroom door.

She has done everything I've asked her to do this week without complaint or backtalk (although not always the first time.)

She is in her room right now, singing to something blaring out of her MP3 player while she cleans her room, which she opted to stay home from church to do because she won't have time the rest of the week. (It needed it. I can't argue.)

Sometimes, she backtalks so bad I want to throw her in the street by her pretty little ears.

Sometimes, she fights with her brother so bad he grabs her pretty little ears. Or her pretty little neck. And ugly words come from her pretty little mouth.

She will be 13 in two days.

In six years, (if everything follows the usual course) she will be gone. Off making her own life.

I can't help but wonder who is going to decorate my world then?

(Um..ahem....lemme just say now, if I have anything to say about it there will be no grandchildren to decorate anything for at least the next 15 years!)


  1. Excellent! You have done a good job, but trust me you're going to want to kill her before he turns 15.

  2. Oh, we definitely have our moments already! That's what make these so precious, because I know it won't be long at all before she won't care about decorating my notebook anymore.
