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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Germany 2010

I was reading back over my posts the other day and remembered I promised to show you pictures from Germany (in case you haven't already seen them.)

We were there this time last year, and it was just amazing! I was just getting used to the idea of visiting another state by myself, but traveling 10 hours to a whole other continent? Unfathomable. And flipping awesome!

It was my first plane ride ever (okay...since I was six months old), and I really wasn't terribly crazy about that part. But Germany was absolutely beautiful. I can't even describe it.

Here are a few of my favorite photos. I promise, they don't do the country justice.

This is the Hauptstrasse. Think gigantic outdoor old buildings. Or maybe they just look old to me, because they don't look like anything here.

(Look!they even had a Subway! And it says English.)

The cousins...

Heidelburg Castle, as seen from the Hauptstrasse:

Heidelburg, as seen from Heidelburg Castle
I don't recommend the Gluhwein (hot mulled wine). Maybe at other places it's good, but I wasn't impressed. BUT...I did try it here! (Aren't you proud?)

The windmills...they fascinated me. I don't know why.
 It's so Heidi! Maybe that's it.

My summer home. :)

(Or...the home of a crazy medieval king. And Cinderella.)

I tried in vain to capture the majesty of the Alps. Let me tell you, it is wild. You'll be just driving down the road, and look out the window and all of a sudden it's like "Whoa..check out that giant snow capped mountain!" Truly amazing. I wonder what it's like on a clear day. It was really foggy and they took me by surprise.

P.S. There is no capturing the majesty of these mountains in a 2-dimensional photograph.

P.S.S. Christopher took this picture...from the window of Neuschwanstein Castle.

I was also fascinated by towns. I mean...there really is an edge of town. It's like....lots of buildings, then country. If you live on the edge of town, a cow could walk up to your back door. No really.  

I was also fascinated by castles. They are randomly scatted across the country. You're driving down the road, look up on a mountaintop (there are lots of mountains), and boom...there is a castle. And...oh, look! There's another one.

We flew 10,000 miles to eat hamburgers, French fries and a chocolate shake. In a 1950s American diner. With Marilyn Monroe and Elvis posters on the wall. It could be worse. I could have taken pictures of the McDonald's! (By the way, if you ever go, I highly recommend the shakes. But eat a big juicy Angus burger here before you go.)

An amphitheater built by Hitler on a Heidelburg hilltop. I kinda got the heebie-jeebies. There was a shed like thing just off the road. I was afraid to go in there. I think I was afraid the man's evil would drag me into the nether regions of the earth. But it turned out just to be a well. I still wouldn't go in. I'm taking nooo chances.

Translation? Anybody? I took Spanish.

I mean...we had to get our groove on sometime!
Ha...but nobody got pictures of me doing the Cha-Cha Slide! ;)

Look! It looks like Helen, Ga.!

Okay. That's it for now. That was fun. Hopefully one day I'll get to go back. And then I want to see France. And Italy. And maybe more of Austria.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, These are absolutely beautiful pictures. I know pictures rarely do justice to the remarkable landscapes we see, but I can only imagine the scenes left in your memory and the kids!
    How exciting for them as well!

    Great post!
