I got a new phone Friday. I had to. My old one died.
Okay, it didn't really die. It just...well, it would have died. Once I threw it up against the wall. After it locked up on me. Again.
I was eligible for an upgrade, so I thought, heck yeah! A cooler phone for FREE! Now I can get rid of that stinking touch screen keyboard.
I love most things about my new phone. I found the COOLEST App! It's cool to me anyway, because I'm a nerd like that. It's called Out of Milk (go look it up. I'll wait.) It lets me keep a grocery list ON MY PHONE. No, really! No more running to the notepad on the fridge dripping from the shower in the mornings because I don't want to forget again that I'm almost out of dryer sheets. It also lets me keep a pantry list so that I won't one day find myself staring at five shelves full of McCormick spices and wondering if I still have...or ever bought...coriander. I will know with a quick check of my phone.
Now, I've had organizers and stuff before. Like on the computer. I'm pretty sure I had a notepad on my last phone that would have been great for making grocery lists. But it only works if you use it, and until now I've never seen any that were terribly user-friendly. This thing has a voice command. It's quite friendly, indeed. I can be flying down I-20, blaring Def Leppard and suddenly remember that the next time I go to the store, I need to make sure I pick up more coffee filters. I can add it to my list right then. Or better yet, when I'm in the check out line at Kroger with a slap-full buggy during the 6 p.m. rush hour and remember that I need barbecue sauce for the pork roast I'm about to purchase--but I don't feel like leaving the line to go get it--I can add it right there to my grocery list for the next shopping trip. True story. (Okay honestly...I typed it into my list. Speaking it would have made me look kinda stupid.)
The voice thingy isn't always very good at listening, though. Before I went Krogering, I spoke my list into my phone and then asked the kids what kind of snacks they wanted me to get. "That big bag of (single serving) chips you got last time worked out really well. Get those," Christopher said.
So I spoke "chips" into my handy dandy digital shopping list.
"Cats" it wrote.
"Chips" I said again.
"No matches found" it said.
Really? It's friggin' potato chips! Look again!
"Chips" I said.
"S***" it wrote.
You're kidding me.
That would be the exact lettering, too, by the way.
Catie took the phone from my hand. You know, before I could throw it.
"Chips" she said.
Chips-chocolate" it asked.
What the heck??
LOL, had me cracking up with this one!