I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all weekend, and just got home from dropping Christopher off at church. I finally get a quiet couple of hours. I want to use them to read, but instead I'm going to blog for a minute, balance the checkbook, pay some bills, figure out and cook dinner, and straighten up the living room. Hopefully after that I'll get a minute to read. And I just remembered I'm out of decaf and I have to get the kids' medicines refilled. Drat!
I had a long post prepared and then realized there are some things I'm really not ready to share on such a public forum. Maybe when I know you better! ;)
So now I'm going to have to make this quick, because I've now been sitting here for over an hour writing a post that was supposed to take 20 minutes! I've still got a million and a half things to do and a finite number of quiet minutes left. So here are a few brief notes from the weekend:
Christopher made the baseball team! YAY! Figuring out how to buy cups wasn't too hard. After all, I'm a mom and there is very little anymore that intimidates me! The baseball socks, though, had me texting my brother in a frenzy. How many do we need? He wears them to practice, too? Note to self: teach kids how to do laundry. Oh, wait...I did. Scratch that: figure out how to more effectively make that happen.
Spent QT with Catie at the mall Friday night. I was told yet again that I don't know what's fashionable, and why won't I let her buy a silly hat with ears? I mean, it's cool!
I held two jewelry shows in two days. They were both for friends, so that equates to quality girl time. :) For Catie too, apparently. My gorgeous assistant kept disappearing to play with her friends!
And because that wasn't enough girl time, I had dinner at another girlfriend's house last night. That ended up being a little wilder than anticipated. But we did get a bridal shower menu planned (I think. :) )
Dropped Christopher off at church, where he tells me to"Enjoy doing nothing," like that would be the least enjoyable thing in the world. He has no idea! I will gladly enjoy it...if that moment ever happens!!
And so on that note, I must listen to my rumbling tummy and figure out what we're going to eat. And straighten the house, call in the prescriptions, balance the checkbook and whatever else I had said I needed to do. I'm sure it'll come to me -- with friends --, just as soon as I sit down with my book!
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