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Saturday, February 5, 2011


Grab a mug and help yourself to some coffee. I've got plenty. I bleed the stuff. If I have the good creamer, it's in the fridge. But since I'm drinking leaded in the morning and unleaded to unwind at night, I might be out. In which case, Splenda's in the sugar jar (if I'm out of that, too, sugar's in the cabinet. I've been known to use brown sugar in a pinch, and that's in the other cabinet. It's actually pretty good!) and you know where to find the milk. If I'm out of milk, too, well...sorry!! Want some ice water?

I bet you're wondering why I invited you here. Basically, I like to tell stories. I don't make them up (out loud, but I tell myself some pretty good ones under the hairdryer in the mornings. Or when I'm folding clothes. Or driving to work. Or anytime I think no one will hear me!). I love life and I think I have pretty good one, even if sometimes I do want to pull my hair out by the gray roots. My friends get earfuls and the more I can make them laugh, the better I love it.

I also fancy myself a writer. I do it for my day job, as a reporter for the local newspaper, but I've been talking for years about writing a book. It's scary, though, that book-writing thing. That's an awful lot of words and I can't imagine anyone would pay much for whatever I have to say. And then when you think about the thousands of other aspiring writers out there trying to publish books, wow. What could I say that would set me apart? Aside from the fact that I don't know if I could write believable fiction. I've always been better with the true stories. And there's the time commitment involved in writing a book. Did I mention I'm a single mom?? But one day I will eat that bite at a time, just to say I did it.

Which leads me to this. Here I can tell you a few true stories from my everyday life...the good, the bad and the aggravating. This isn't so scary. If you don't like my tales, you'll just click and be gone. I'll miss you, but I'll understand that I'm just not your cup of (ahem) coffee. But if you do like them, you'll come back for more. And I really hope you'll come back. I'll keep the coffeepot full, just in case. :)