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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family and readership

The coolest thing about blogging is you never know who's reading it. This site keeps stats on readership, and to me the coolest thing is that in the last week, for instance, I've had readers in Canada, Denmark and Germany.

I do know people in Germany, so I just assume those page views are my sister and friends. I don't know anybody in Canada or Denmark. Whenever I see stats from other countries, I always want to say, "Hey! Who are you? What is your life like?" But then I'm fascinated by other cultures. My fourth biggest readership of all time -- after the United States, Germany, and Canada -- seems to be Hungary. I don't know a soul in Hungary (I don't think.) How cool is this?

But the coolest thing, really, is that I'm getting to know my cousin Lindsey because of my blog.

Understand, my family is big. (And I'm only telling you about my mom's side of it. My dad's side is big, too. I always joke that between the two, I'm related to half of Augusta.) My grandfather was one of five brothers, who were very close. They raised their families to be close. They got together all the time and hung out, and had family get-togethers for almost every holiday. They instilled in all of us the importance and love of family. But when their kids started having kids and grandkids, their houses wouldn't hold us all anymore. Some things had to go. By the time I came along, (for as long as I can remember, anyway) we were gathering in the summer and at Christmas, which we still do. Unless I run into them around town, usually the only other time I see many of these these family members is at funerals.

I say all of that to say, Lindsey is one of my younger cousins. She is the daughter of one of my mom's first cousins, so we're cousins that basically see each other only twice a year. She's 22, just graduated college and is just beginning her life. I'm at a point in life where my kids are almost grown and if I squint, I think I can see retirement. I don't recall us spending much time talking.

But she has taken an interest in my blog. She talks to me through it. She blogs too (hers is called Prayer and Chocolate, if you want to check it out) We're learning about each other and our families in a way I don't think we ever would have otherwise. I think it's beyond cool!

She hung out with me and the kids at karaoke Saturday night. I couldn't get her to sing, but I think she had a good time. :)

The family reunion is in two weeks. I imagine she and I will have a lot to talk about this year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lisa this is so sweet!! I am so thankful for our blogs as well! I have LOVED getting to know you too!! Saturday was so much fun and I can't wait to hang out with you and Caitie again!! :)
